Once upon a time there lived a girl named “Arohi”, she Is a very happy girl who enjoys every bit of her life. One morning when she was at school, a group of people from Reduce, Reuse, Recycle organization at school gave speech on the importance of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” usage and how it helps our earth and requested everyone to join hands and aware the people about this. The organization also placed bins in the library and cafeteria and posted the flyers. In the cafeteria the bins are placed next to plastic, paper and Decompose bins. School wanted the bins to be placed next to ach other so that all the children in the school are aware of each bin and can differentiate and learn the importance of it. By hearing and looking at all these Arohi gets surprised and she was curious to know more about it. On the same day when she went back home, she started thinking towards it, she was searching for more information and looking forward to understand the importance of it. Her parents were noticing all these and thought of talking to her, when they spoke to her she expressed her interest to be part of this organization, but she has no idea how she can start with it. Her parents helped her and supported the girl in all the way. She met with the organization and expressed her desire to be part of this team. The organization felt happy and welcomed her in their team and made her a member. She did express her desire in “Recycling Batteries”. When organization members asked her why you preferred to recycle batteries and why not recycling paper and other recycle areas. She informed that, at her school and in the society, she noticed bins for recycling paper, plastic and decompose but no bins for recycling batteries. Now having battery bins at these areas may help people also to think broader and will understand the importance of it and how it helps the earth and environment.
“Recycling is a great way to protect the environment, preserve resources, reduce raw materials and greenhouse gas emission. If the batteries are not recycled, they end up in landfill chemicals and these can leak out into the environment”.This was the message she added in flyers and pasted near the bins where the battery bins were kept. With the help of organization and team members she placed many bins in many areas and in couple of weeks she could see how people were showing up interest in placing the batteries in bins and not throwing them anywhere. She did encourage her friends at school and neighborhoods to be part of this organization and place the battery bins and make people aware of it. “Please join the hands in making earth a better place and protecting the environment” was her slogan-in making people aware of it.”
Arohi was feeling very happy and enjoying her duties that someway she is helping her society and making earth a better place. She did share all her achievements with her family and friends. She feels happy that her parents have encouraged her and wanted everyone and her friends to be helped by their own families and get encouraged.
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