Recycle My Battery is committed to helping schools succeed in their efforts to fight against batteries being thrown in trash such as single-use batteries and have created all of the resources a school (with pupils leading the way) needs. And they are all freely available to any school wishing to get involved.
So, in short, becoming a Battery Free School just requires a school to take the appropriate action needed to reduce their use of single-use batteries, including Remote batteries, alkaline batteries, Industrial batteries, Rechargeable batteries, Non-Rechargeable batteries,. Simple, but effective, yeah?
Recycle My Battery is committed to helping schools bring awareness about the importance of recycling used batteries and also offers free to use safe battery bins so the kids can have a chance to recycle their used batteries properly. This is TOTALLY FREE!
All schools have to do to get started is REGISTER!.
Start your journey to become a Battery Free School by sending us an email using the link below. We’ll then send you a getting started ‘Welcome Pack’ which will guide you through the next Stage, ‘Raising Awareness’
© copyright 2022 by Recycle My Battery