So beautiful!! This is a full moon in the country of Norway! It’s a classic example of how beautiful our nature is! We need to keep our nature as beautiful as this but we are dumping trash everywhere and poisoning every bit of new land which we settle on! How do we convert polluted land back to nature if we keep doing this??
We only have less than a century to stop this because, if we keep this up, in a century, climate change will become unstoppable! The temperatures in 2100 will rise more than 3 C and no matter how hard we try then, we won’t be able to stop global warming! So let’s quickly use the time which we have left to stop climate change so we can continue having Norway’s like nature for our future generations to come! We all can make a difference!
“I only feel angry when I see waste!” This absolutely describes how I feel when I see people throwing trash everywhere! Let’s PLEDGE to stop polluting our earth to make it a better place to live!
By Sri Nihal Tammana
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1 Comment
Nice pic and Good Intention