The site of the last coal-fired power plant in Massachusetts will become home to the state’s first offshore wind manufacturing facility, Governor Charlie Baker announced! Braxton Point power plant in Somerset was shuttered in 2017 after more than 50+ years in operation, this was the final coal generator to go offline before Massachusetts went completely coal-free. The site of the former plant which is near Providence, Rhode Island, will start a 200 million dollar facility that will use undersea transmission lines to connect wind turbines. They say that this project will generate more than 1200 megawatts of electricity.
This industry has bought in the opportunities associated with wind Governor Baker said! He says, If we continue playing our cards well, we can make a big investment in the commonwealth in the region going forward and support a lot of activity in the Atlantic Ocean! So let’s hope that this wind project pays off so other states are inspired to build their own wind facilities to make our beloved earth a better place to live!
It’s time to make a difference! Let’s collectively make our earth a better place to live for our future generations to come.
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: YaleEnvironment360
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