Imagine using your phone to pay for an item that you have always been wanting. When you start entering your Credit Card number on your phone, ”blink!” Your phone suddenly dies on you when you only charged it last night! Batteries sometimes give poor performances!
Researchers from Harvard University in Cambridge MA said that they have created the longest-lasting high-performance organic flow battery to date! Harvard said that their battery could last weeks or even years! This is outstanding as normally, batteries don’t last even a few days!
This new battery runs on an organic chemical called ‘Methuselah Quinone!
A type of reaction called the redox reaction is behind how batteries function. The redox reaction is basically when electrons are transferred between 2 substances. When the electrons flow through a wire, it is known as electricity.
The two mixtures in batteries, between which the redox response happens, are ordinarily inorganic. At the end of the day, neither one of the mixtures contains carbon particles in their sub-atomic design. Fluids or gels inside the battery that help the response frequently comprise inorganic mixtures as well. Natural stream batteries, then again, use intensifies that contain carbon in their designs (for example are natural).
Organic flow batteries are said to be environmentally friendly, safe, and very low cost. This battery is a very safe alternative to lithium-ion batteries! They last a long time.
Let’s hope that someday, eco-friendly batteries replace normal batteries to stop the number of battery accidents which are occurring every year!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: Buzz Worthy
PC: Buzz Worthy
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