A new study that features contributions from the British Antarctic Survey scientists predicted the main emerging threats to ocean biodiversity over the next coming decades if we don’t take action and stop climate change!
This study was published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution. This study was conducted by an international team of experts. One of these experts included in the study is BAS biologist and science leader, Professor Lloyd Peck. This study lists 15 issues that are likely to have a big and significant impact on marine and coastal biodiversity over the next 5 – 10 years. Some of these issues include the following:
• the impacts of wildfires on coastal ecosystems
• the effects of new biodegradable materials on the marine environment
• an ‘empty’ zone at the equator as species move away from this warming region of the ocean.
Let’s stop climate change to save marine life and conserve our oceans to make our beloved Mother Earth a better place to live for our future generations to come!!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: British Antarctic Survey
PC: MartinStr via Pixabay
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