Seagrass meadows play an important role in the marine carbon cycle and our environment! On the other hand, they absorb carbon dioxide and store it underground. However, they emit the potential greenhouse gas methane! These seagrasses are very helpful to our environment because they could reduce so many pounds of carbon dioxide in the air every year! This can make our earth a better place to live!
But our real question which I am yet to answer is, where does the methane come from? Well, scientists have found large peat deposits under the sediment surface! If you have forgotten, peat is the 1st stage of forming coal! Peat is known to emit large amounts of methane from the decomposition of the organic material. Scientists and researchers all so expected that mechanisms behind methane production are similar in seagrass meadows. So this is a natural activity and not a human activity!
But we should still reduce the methane and carbon dioxide we emit into the atmosphere or our entire life would be in danger! We have until 2100 to stop climate change! If we don’t take action now, the earth would become a burning hell and climate change would become irreversible! Keep these sentences in mind and convince everyone to become environmentalists to make our beloved earth a better place to live! Earth needs all our help to become restored and eco-friendly!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
Photo Credit: Paul Asman and Jill Lenoble via Wikimedia Commons
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