Today we are going to talk about the smoke from wildfires and how it is influencing ozone pollution on a global scale!
New scientific data from NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration and CIRES finds that wildfire smoke is much more widespread and plays a bigger role in contributing to ozone pollution than previously thought.
Another record-breaking fire season across the western United States and Canada found skies as downwind as Boston and NYC with wildfire smoke visibly demonstrating the impacts that fires can have on air quality thousands of miles away. Now, new NOAA research demonstrates that the effects of fire emissions on the atmosphere are even larger and far more widespread than previously believed, and substantially contribute to one of the most common and harmful constituents of urban air pollution: ozone.
Fire smoke is very hazardous and it can cause people to choke and suffocate because of the air quality. So please stop global warming to prevent droughts! Without droughts, fewer wildfires! Let’s hope that inventions like this year’s Children’s Climate Prize winner Reshma Kosaraju’s AI against forest fires will tackle these and reduce the wildfires in the future.
Please stop climate change to make our earth a better place to live for our future generations to come!!!
Source: NOAA: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Research
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