Today we are going to be talking about a 23-year-old boy named Boyan Slat who is trying to clean up the oceans!
@BoyanSlat is the founder and president of an organization called @TheOceanCleanup! This is a foundation that is dedicated to creating and developing advanced technology to get rid of all the plastic waste in the world’s oceans!
This Dutch inventor is still working on a major project which is creating a 62-mile v-shaped barrier in the ocean to trap all of the plastic waste! Boyan Slat is saying that this brilliant invention could remove 150 million pounds of trash within 10 years! Once the trash is removed, the trash could be properly recycled to create other useful items! Remember: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
Let’s together hope that Boyan Slat and @TheOceanCleanup achieve this major goal and restore the world’s oceans to make our Mother Earth a better place to live! Boyan Slat is an inspiration to me and all of us! Mother Earth’s future is in our hands so let’s play our role towards restoring our one and only planet! There is no planet B!
From: Sri Nihal Tammana
Image: Iamrenenew
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