Scientists have found another strategy for evaluating the effect of ozone-exhausting synthetics delivered into the climate.
The ozone layer is a protective layer that is about 15 – 30 km above the surface of the earth! This layer consists of ozone which is a gas that protects the earth from the UV (UltraViolet) Radiation which is in sunlight emitted from the sun.
If the ozone layer suddenly disappeared because of human actions or just randomly, the harmful UV Radiation would reach the earth. This Radiation would kill all the plants in a matter of weeks and have an increased chance of skin cancer and eye disease for humans and animals which would eventually lead to death! Life wouldn’t survive in a matter of months after the ozone dissipates!
In the late 1980s, an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol banned the use of chemicals that impacts the ozone layer. CFCs are the main gases that are known to severely damage our ozone layer. Because of this agreement, the giant hole which was caused because of our use of CFCs is slowly starting to reduce and improve!
Thanks to this international law which made the usage of CFCs illegal, the ozone layer is starting to heal! Imagine how great it would be if we would be able to make these kinds of laws that would focus on Climate Change!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: University of Leeds
PC: Pixabay
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