Blue Whales which are the largest creatures on Earth are swallowing and digesting 10 million pieces of microplastic every day! This is what scientists estimate.
Plastic waste is increasing in the world’s oceans! Because of this, big whales are accidentally swallowing many pounds of plastic! Big whales eat small organisms like plankton and krill. The whales swallow water to get the organisms. In this process, plastic is also sucked into the whale accidentally!
Researchers assessed the heaviness of plastic ingested by following the scrounging conduct of 65 humpback whales, 29 balance whales, and 126 blue whales that were each labeled with a camera, receiver, and GPS gadget that had been pull measured to their back.
Let’s hope that we can stop plastic pollution to make our earth cleaner and also to protect Mother Nature and animals such as the blue whale!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: Yale Environment 360
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