Today we are going to talk about an environmentalist called Lauren Singer!
Lauren Singer is an American environmental activist and an entrepreneur! One day she was very mad and upset that people used so much plastic and threw it away! She thought about it and found that even she is using plastic for everything on a daily basis starting from toothbrushes, toothpaste! So, Lauren made a lifetime promise “to stop using plastic.” She stopped buying plastic items and started making her own products from scratch. She then eventually started a company Package Free, where she made things without even touching or using plastic.
I hope that my post inspires a few people who read this and they also take action. I sincerely hope that they don’t throw plastic into the trash and reduce the use of plastic in daily life! Lauren Singer is an inspiration to me and all of our people! Let’s start supporting her cause and try to use as little plastic as possible to make our earth a better place to live! I sincerely hope that manufacturing companies start thinking about this and make items using less plastic. We need to appreciate Colgate-Palmolive for taking a step and coming out with a toothpaste tube that is not made of plastic!
Please do make the earth a better place to live for our future generations to come!! Only YOU can make a difference!
By Sri Nihal Tammana
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