The Ozone Layer is a layer of ozone gas about 6.2 miles above the surface of the earth in the stratosphere. Ozone plays a huge role in absorbing the UV(Ultraviolet) Radiation from the sun. Sunlight also contains Radioactive light which is UV Radiation. This radiation can cause skin cancer and kill all life in a matter of months. SO the ozone layer serves as a shield for the earth. There are 3 types of UV Radiation… UV-C is 100% absorbed by the Ozone, UV-B is 95% absorbed and UV-A is 5% absorbed. The remaining UV Radiation reaches earth and doesn’t cause that much harm.
Let’s now talk about Ozone Depletion.
Ozone Depletion is when the Ozone layer is broken apart. Right now, there is a hole in the Ozone Layer over Antarctica. Pollution and harmful chemicals are the main reasons why the ozone is depleting. The use of CFCs is the main reason why the ozone is depleting. CFCs were banned in the 1990s because of their contribution to ozone depletion. CFCs are mainly found in refrigerants. So now after the ban, the ozone is slowly healing and is expected to come back to normal before 2050!
Let’s stop pollution because the ozone layer is the main layer to protect us and not kill us! It’s our responsibility to make our earth a better place to live for our future generations.
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
PC: Siberian Art/Shutterstock
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