Overpopulation is a term used for the rapid increase of the human population! But, since people stopped dying early, there had been a rapid explosion in the population. Mother Earth only has enough resources to supply a max of 7 billion people but data shows that the population is estimated to reach more than 10 billion by 2050! This could result in low resources and many people would live in poverty because of the lack of resources. Also, overpopulation causes an increase in the extraction of oil coal and natural gas. Mining for these resources is harmful to our environment and this overpopulation crisis would release more Greenhouse Gases into our atmosphere.
More Trees would be cut down, clean water would slowly disappear slowly and the pollution that humanity is causing would kill wildlife and pollute our oceans! The biodiversity would decrease and global warming would be unstoppable! These are the many problems that could occur if we don’t stop pollution and don’t stop overpopulation! We only have 1 opportunity which expires in 2100. If we don’t care and don’t start taking care of Mother Earth, global warming would become unstoppable and our own lives would be in danger. If you want to live a happy and peaceful life, join with me and all of the other environmentalists like Greta Thunberg to help our Mother Earth in a variety of crises even if it’s a small thing like throwing a battery in the trash! You can make a difference!
Let’s start by becoming eco-friendly and stopping overpopulation to make our earth a better place to live for our future generations to come.
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
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