Global warming has increased ocean temperatures, made the earth hotter and it is causing droughts all of the time. Well, hurricanes tornadoes, and wildfires are all linked to Global Warming. As a result, more of these natural disasters are occurring because of temperatures rising. Hurricanes are being caused by warm water, tornadoes by warm air, and wildfires by droughts. Hurricanes are destroying cities and causing floods everywhere. Tornadoes are causing so much air pollution and water pollution as they cause toxic chemicals to cause contamination of the water! Also, wildfires are causing deforestation in the west and millions of trees are being burnt down!
If we stop and put an end to global warming, fewer of these natural disasters would not occur frequently. Let’s all do whatever we can to stop global warming! It’s time to change our behavior and make this Earth a better place to live for our future generations to come! Please remember, we don’t own Mother Earth and we are just sharing with others and we should be considerate to them. There is no PLANET B!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
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