Like the circulatory system that helps move blood carry important nutrients and filter waste in the human body, the planet’s rivers are very similar to the circulatory system and help keep our planet alive!
One of a river’s important duties is removing some of the pollutions that end up in its waters from roads, medicine, and sewage treatment plants before those dirty waters reach sensitive waters like estuaries and oceans. If this happened, it would danger many animals worldwide!
New research found that watershed size plays a major role in a river’s ability to do this work of filtering pollutants. These findings make us understand more about how rivers are keeping harmful pollutants out of the river!
This is very cool because we could prevent pollution from us from reaching worldwide sensitive waters! Let’s collectively make our earth a better place to live for our future generations to come!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: University of New Hampshire
PC: vjgalaxy via Pixabay
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