Even a single nearby light could throw off a butterfly’s internal compass, officials at UC biologists say.
Besides planting milkweed in the garden for monarch butterflies to lay their eggs, people willing to help monarch butterflies could do so by turning off the porch light.
Biologists at the University of Cincinnati say that nighttime light pollution could interfere with the navigational abilities of monarch butterflies. So, light pollution could confuse the butterfly where to travel. Monarchs travel as far as Canada and Mexico and back during their migration.
Researchers found that monarchs could become extremely confused sitting next to a porch light and the day could interfere with their migration after that. Artificial light could also damage the wings of the butterfly!
Let’s hope that people start turning off their porch lights to help monarchs!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: University of Cincinnati
PC: University of Cincinnati
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