Southeastern US, Mexico, and Central America have so much light pollution which is affecting the migration of birds. These regions are the biggest concerns.
Nighttime light pollution levels are increasing the most in the south USA, Mexico, and Central America. These findings were made and found in the last 20 years in the West. This light pollution is a big concern for birds that fly at night during the warmer seasons. These findings were made in the Cornell University lab.
The South USA, Mexico, and especially Central America are important migration spots says Frank La Sorte at the Cornell Lab. Frank says that birds that travel at night are encountering even more massive amounts of light pollution. Expert bird scientists say that birds avoid light during both breeding and nonbreeding seasons.
Light is known to attract birds during their migrations. This leads to severe injury or death of the bird. Scientists said that light pollution levels went up during the past 2 decades! The light pollution slowed down in the North as people started leaving the area!
Let’s hope that we stop using too much light to save birds and many other migrating nocturnal animals to make our beloved earth a better place to live! Remember that we are sharing the Earth and it doesn’t belong to only us!
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: Cornell University
PC: Cornell University
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