Incineration is a method of waste disposal where trash is burned. It is basically the destruction of waste. Trash is burned because it generates energy which is used for many different purposes. Industrial plants for waste incineration are called waste-to-energy facilities. The energy is then burned and created into steam and then into electricity. This has a very similar process to coal and oil combustion.
Even though incineration is useful, it produces so much CO2 which is bad for our environment. Burning produces carbon monoxide and many other toxic gases which can damage the ozone layer and contribute to global warming! So please do not dispose of hazardous or explosive items like batteries! Else, it will produce more CO2 and make choking toxic gas! Let’s hope that in a few years, the waste disposal process will be environmentally friendly!!!
Singapore is actually following the incineration in a cleaner way! They are taking the carbon emissions and they turn the CO2 into a much cleaner gas which is then emitted! They are basically burning the trash at 1000 degrees and then all of the trash is burned but some ash still remains. That ash is dumped in a body of water that doesn’t even touch ocean water! The smoke is filtered and turned into a clean smoke which is then emitted. Let’s hope that other countries also follow this process so we could help reduce the greenhouse effect and global warming!!
Please do make the earth a better place to live for our future generations to come!!!
Image Source: Clean Energy Wire
By Sri Nihal Tammana
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