Ever wanted to become sustainable? Here are some tips on how to become sustainable and so easy simple things to make our planet greener!
You can go sustainable by saving water! Did you know that each person regularly uses 80 – 100 Gallons of Water? This is a huge amount of water used daily! To be more sustainable with water instead of wasting lots of water, you could conserve water! You could buy one of those shower things where it limits the amount of water you use in the shower. Compared to normal shower heads, modified shower heads use less water, conserving water. Always stop the tap or sink whenever you are not using it and do not leave it on. Flushing the toilet also uses up a lot of water. So don’t flush multiple times. This saves a lot of water! These are some of the simple ways to save water! Learn more about water conservation here.
You don’t always have to take the car instead you can Bike / Walk! This is a fun way to reduce gas emissions! Also, this will be healthy for your body as well! Did you know that each car generates 6 – 9 tons of Carbon Dioxide every year? This is equivalent to 12,000 pounds or 18,000 pounds of gas! Biking or walking could save the number of greenhouse gases that you are letting go by using your car! You can also spread awareness to even more people by biking and having other people join you to save on pollution! Learn more about Green Transportation here.
Many people keep their lights ON all the time wasting electricity! Did you know that each person uses 10,715 kilowatts of electricity every year? The easiest way to save electricity is to switch off your lights when you are not using them. Don’t leave your lights on for a long time wasting electricity! Saving electricity is good for the environment and helps save a lot of money on electric bills. Learn more about energy efficiency here.
Recycling is very important! Also, the amount of waste you recycle is also important. Did you know that each person produces over 1,600 pounds of trash every year? This is a huge amount of trash being transported to landfill! Make sure to put your plastic, glass, batteries, and newspapers into the respective recycling bins while food scraps and waste can go into the trash. Be mindful of this whenever you go to discard things. Also, limit the amount of stuff you throw away every day! Do you know that you have a lot of things that you can reuse that you don’t even know? So you can reuse these things or use them for DIY projects to make your own DIY projects! Fun! Learn more here.
Author: Sri Nihal Tammana
Source: Multiple sites linked in each section.
PC: Multiple sites linked in each section.
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