Today, we will talk about the pollution update as of this week!
When Covid-19 started, many countries were in lockdown! Lockdown is when nobody can go outside because of a deadly situation or virus outbreak! Because of nobody going outside much often, many cars stopped going on highways and local roads! Factories were shut down and pollution seemed to decrease! At that time, everyone thought that the earth was going to recover from human waste but we were actually wrong!
A new study from scientists shows that now since there are millions of cars on the roads, global pollution is close to becoming pre-Covid levels! Fossil fuel carbon emissions dropped by 5.4% in 2020 via lockdown! But the study shows that an increase of 4.9% carbon emissions this year! That means that it will be as bad as before! Let’s take action against pollution! G
Governments should come up with some programs like 1 work from home day per week so people won’t travel out to keep a check on pollution and clean up our mother earth!
Please do make the earth a better place to live for generations to come!!! It’s time to take action!
By Sri Nihal Tammana
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